Friday, January 16, 2009

Seeing the picture

If I hadn't taken the picture I wouldn't have noticed...

I thought that I was just taking a picture of my roses. I was so proud of these yellow, tinted with some pink, fragrant roses. So when I brought them in and arranged them for our center piece I had to take their picture.

Later, when I uploaded my daily photos, I noticed it in the background. Love. Isn't that what roses symbolize any way???

Note to self:

Take more pictures with or without a camera.

Notice what's going on in the background.


carmen said...

I just love you, Nola. What a great message for us all to remember!! My husband always tells me that our eyes are the best camera, anyway!! LOVE YOU!!

Anne said...

I love this post Nola! & you did notice the background! :)

Janice said...

Amen to that. It's so easy to get caught up in the obvious things that are happening and have the really important things go unnoticied. You have such insight.

Ms. Kristen said...

Love this! Cause I love those kids. Cause those kids are you and my big bro's kids!!! What a sweet picture! And....the most incredible thing is you have roses in Jan? Amazing!

Anne said...

Nola, I got my header and layout from
I usually give free layouts creadit with a blinkie but I am having trouble putting it up.
I really like her because she does premade headers to match! Anyway there's alot of great stuff on there and don't worry if you copy me I wouldn't be mad. :)

Kelley said...

I love that picture...the rose AND the background, priceless!