Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Made It!

Imagine that! The things a mom can accomplish in a day by locking herself in a messy room with a year supply of crafts supplies and unfinished projects. That was fun. All my ribbon is wound or rolled up and organized by color. Is two drawers of ribbon too much? I didn't think so.

No more mending pile. I fixed 3 shirts, 1 pair of pants, 1 skirt, and finished a cute little purse that Meagan needed help with. And then I made the 'America' picture. Doesn't it make you smile?

I'm smiling...because phase 1 of my testing was completed today. My whole body scan turned out great. Nothing lit up which means no detectable thyroid cells or thyroid cancer. Now I'm anxiously awaiting phase 2: the results of the blood work. A few more days and back to my thyroid medicine and normal meal time, minus 90 % of the diary. It's just so fattening.


Anne said...

I love that America picture! It would be so nice to finish a project! You did alot today!

Heather said...

youre my hero... here you are turning what could be a stressfull time into aproductive non sulking day.

Purcell's Party said...

I can't believe're given time away from your daily duties and you craft??!! You should have been resting, or catching up on all the magazines...what a good person you are, developing your talents. =) We are/have been praying for you and want good news! K even said, "and please bless Nola in case she's sick", in her lunch prayer today. We love you!

Ms. Kristen said...

LOVE THAt you finished your unfinished....and love that no yuckies are growing in your body! Happy weekend with your dad!

Megs said...

that's pretty crazy how you have three drawers full of ribbon. but you still have to fix my dress straps!! JK JK JK. haha.

Amy Strong said...

LOVE the picture. It did make me smile. You can sell these types of things at the bakery stand you are going to start up;-) Call it "Nola's Treasures and Delectibles."